1. Shop Informed
Many companies outsource to countries with loose human rights laws and cheap labor. Companies, like Walmart and H&M, profit off of the exploitation of cheap labor, including child labor. These workers suffer through horrible, life-threatening working conditions and long working hours for meager salaries. Here is a list of companies that use child labor: https://content.wisestep.com/companies-use-child-labor and https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.theodysseyonline.com/5-companies-using-slave-labor.amp. Hold these companies accountable by reducing your consumption and boycotting their products. We acknowledge that it is hard to stop using shops that we rely on, but take it a step at a time! Instead, look for certified fair trade labels such as Fair Trade Certified, Fairtrade America, and the Goodweave label to ensure that you’re supporting positive practices that don’t involve child labor. Here is a list of fair trade companies: http://www.endslaverynow.org/act/buy-slave-free/slave-free-companies
2. Support Anti-Slavery NGOs and Organizations
Whether it is through involvement or donations, it is very important to support organizations with a mission to end child labor and slavery. Don’t forget to check out their website and follow them on Instagram!
List of Organizations:
Anti-Slavery International: https://www.antislavery.org/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkP_M6MHJ5QIVB26GCh0OLg4IEAAYASAAEgKeZPD_BwE Instagram: @antislaveryinternational
Bachpan Bachao Andolan: https://bba.org.in/ Instagram: @bachpanbachaoandolan
100 Million Campaign: https://100million.org/ instagram: @100_million_campaign
Unlikely Heroes: https://unlikelyheroes.com/ instagram: @uheroes
Slavery Footprint: http://slaveryfootprint.org/
Polaris Project: https://polarisproject.org/
Love146: https://love146.org/ Instagram: @love146
Hope for Justice: https://hopeforjustice.org/ Instagram: @hopeforjusticeintl
Free the Slaves: https://www.freetheslaves.net/ Instagram: @freetheslaves
Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking: https://www.castla.org/
California Against Slavery: https://californiaagainstslavery.org/ Instagram: @casjustice
Challenging Heights: https://challengingheights.org/ Instagram: @challengingheights
3. Get Informed & Have Conversations
In order to address this issue, people must know about the problem. To make yourself and people conscience about this problem, have conversations and get educated. Check out the anti-slavery links we listed before to get information. Do research and talk with other people about this issue. Conversations are a great way to raise awareness about this issue and learn as you can be exposed to different sides of this problem.
4. Child Sponsorship
To help give children vulnerable to child labor receive an education and be safe and healthy, try child sponsorship.
Child Sponsorship Organizations:
5. Raise Your Voice
Speak up for this issue anywhere you can. And use social media to raise awareness about child labor and modern slavery and how to address it. Please forward and pass on this information!
6. Contact local, regional, and national legislators
According to HumanEducation.org (https://humaneeducation.org/10-tips-for-helping-end-child-labor/), "Ask them to pass laws that ensure no products in your city/state/country are made with child labor, and encourage them to adopt “codes of conduct” which include concern for humane, sustainable, just practices."
Image Credit: The Wall Street Journal (https://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2014/10/10/why-child-labor-isnt-illegal-in-india/)